Make the Environment Free of Plastics, Not Free For Plastics!

June 5, 2018
It is estimated that we use and discard 500,000,000,000 (half a trillion) plastic bags each year and over a million plastic bottles are sold every minute. Another calculation suggests that 51 trillion micro-plastic particles have contaminated our oceans in last one year alone. That is 500 times more than the number of stars in our galaxy! If there is one man-made thing in the world that can claim omnipresence, it is plastic pollution. It's everywhere. In our oceans, on land, in air, in space;...

Enabling Influential Women Leaders Through Spirituality And Wisdom

February 28, 2018

With women from 60 countries including 250 delegates, 100 rural women, 60 students from over 30 colleges, the conference set the tone for open discussions about critical issues faced by women in positions of leadership and influence and how spirituality provides key tools for their professional and personal journeys.