Inspiring public participation for a developed India

Leadership & Ethics | Published: | 14 min read

Inspiring public participation for a developed India  

Gurudev envisions a developed India where economic progress aligns with spiritual heritage. He emphasizes voting as both a right and duty for a brighter future, driven by a positive mindset.

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As the world’s largest democracy begins the gargantuan process of conducting its 18th General Election (held every 5 years), Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar participated in a series of events in New Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru. He highlighted the progress made by India in various areas and encouraged people to come out and vote for the sake of the development of the country.

Laying out His vision for a developed India (Viksit Bharat), he mentioned that those with a negative mindset are more active in society. It is time for those with a positive mindset to stop being laid back and play a more active role. A country’s leadership needs to have a direct connection with the people.


Apr 12, 2024

For India to be completely developed, it needs to move forward economically while embracing its spiritual heritage.

On India’s Recent Progress

Gurudev mentioned that in comparison to other countries, the recent rapid progress made by India in the economic upliftment of its people as well as in highlighting its rich cultural heritage has been phenomenal. The world’s looks towards India’s progress in technology with respect. This respect has been long awaited.

A long time ago, India contributed 1/3rd of the world’s economy and today we are moving in the same direction.

For India to be completely developed, it needs to move forward economically while embracing its spiritual heritage.

India’s progress in the world is of paramount importance especially on account of its universal idea of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – One World Family. It is with this vision that India (like a mother) would share its progress and prosperity with everyone in the world. Gurudev highlighted the role of India in freely distributing vaccines to several countries in the world during the Covid pandemic.

Everybody would need to contribute with courage and a positive mindset if this pace of development is to continue. Success is then guaranteed. Everything will not change in a day. There will be obstacles.

Only an expanded and happy mind can dream about a developed India.

A Happy & Expanded Mind

A developed mind is the first step towards a developed country. When we feel happy, we experience an expansion inside us. Stress does not allow the expansion of our consciousness.

Only an expanded and happy mind can dream about a developed India. Yoga and Meditation are necessary to get out of depression and suicidal tendencies and help an individual expand. Such an individual paves the way for progress in society. A happy society will lead the way for a developed India.

There is more joy in the act of giving than in that of taking.

Think of the election as a festival similar to Holi or Diwali.

Voting is a Right and a Duty

When an election happens, it is not just our right but also our duty to cast our vote. Ask those sitting at home whether they have voted. Take them to the voting booth if they have not voted. Think of the election as a festival similar to Holi or Diwali.

In the news

(partial listing)

New Delhi

Apr 14, 2024

While I do not speak in favour of any political party, I will acknowledge the real work done for the welfare of the people of India.

Dharma – Artha – Kama – Moksha

Without a right ruler (government), Dharma cannot flourish. Where Dharma (Righteousness) awakens, Wealth will also follow. When an individual’s desires align with society’s desires, happiness follows. When they are at cross purposes with each other, violence follows. Our desire should be for the welfare of everyone. The government also wants the same thing.

The aspirations of students to study and entrepreneurs to start a business would have never fructified, had the government not provided support. Many times, schemes were floated but were never implemented. Now however, we have seen schemes being implemented and people receiving money in their accounts directly .Economically backward girls are able to get an education now. This is something to be happy about. While I do not speak in favour of any political party, I will acknowledge the real work done for the welfare of the people of India.

It is startling to see the growth of startups in India. The world is waking up and looking at India. I have been travelling the world for 45 years now. People would change their name after going abroad. This is not the case now. Indians occupy senior positions across the globe now. This is because we have this important, inherent capability to communicate, embrace everyone and be impartial. Our heart is in the right place..

Moksha is not just liberation from the body. Freedom from poverty, disease, stress, negativity, misery, sadness, a divided mind is also moksha. Yoga and Meditation are the way to be free from stress and the clutches of the mind.

For these 4 – Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha to be fulfilled in life, we need faith in the institutions (government) as well as in an individual.

We should be proud about our faith and Dharma.

Pride in One’s Culture

I can confidently say that the government has provided an environment in which one can progress one’s faith. In the past, people have done wrong things in public and practised faith secretly. People would be ashamed of exhibiting any religious symbols. Only in Tamilnadu, do people wear vermillion (vibhuti) on their forehead.

Tamil is an ancient culture. A lot of people do not know many things about Tamil Nadu, which have been revealed, thanks to our PM Modi. Tamil is the national language of many countries – Malaysia, Singapore, Sri Lanka. It is said that about 70% of the words in the Japanese language are from Tamil. There was a time when Tamilians had travelled to many parts of SouthEast Asia. We see big Shiva Lingas in places like Cambodia. Idols of Lord Ganesha and Shiva Lingas have been discovered in places as far away as Peru (South America). We have been foolishly ashamed about such a glorious civilization. We should be proud about our faith and Dharma.

Have Pride in Good

We should feel ashamed about our negative tendencies and encourage the positive aspects of our life. The way is meditation. Nobody is born to do evil. I only see good things in everyone. In some places, I see a lot of scope for improvement, in others a little bit is good enough.

Avoid Addictions

Let’s keep kids away from addictions such as liquor. Young children are getting addicted. Liquor has been made so cheap and freely available that many families have been destroyed. We need liberation from addiction. Forget about these addictions – Come to our satsangs and you will experience a high that will last forever.

Knowledge of Yoga and the Vedanta washes and purifies the mind.

Sudarshan Kriya – The Power to Transform

In 2012, we organised a program in Delhi University teaching Pranayama, Meditation to about 100 youth. I asked them who were the 2 most hated people in their life. They hated their professors the most and their parents next. It was shocking to hear this in a country where parents and teachers are revered like God. On the 7th day, their parents were also invited and asked to share their experiences. The parents said they were astonished and moved to tears to see the sea of difference in children’s behaviour. This is the power of the knowledge of Yoga and Vedanta. Like the Ganga, it washes and purifies the mind.

This program has been taught to students in several institutions for years now.

The purpose of education is to nurture intelligence with innocence

New Education Policy

We have all the knowledge in this country. We need to bring it into our lives and live it. This is our collective responsibility. Only then can we be developed both intellectually and in our hearts. Growing intellectually, we should not become crooked and create harm in society. And there are people who are innocent but not intelligent. This combination is also not good. The purpose of education is to nurture intelligence with innocence.

We now have a new educational policy which is a departure from the old defunct British educational system. This policy has opened the gates for talents to blossom and for our youth to shine. India is indeed a developed India.

4 Pillars of Society

The 4 pillars of society (Judiciary, Govt & Bureaucracy , Media, NGOs) need to stay distant from each other – like 4 pillars. That is what enables a roof to stay on top of them. Our Supreme court is a free and respectable institution. Our media is independent. These 4 pillars need to cooperate with each other but not blindly support each other.

Self Respect

Do not fall for freebies. They have no value. Only a deluded person runs after freebies, not an independent individual. An autorickshaw driver whose child studies in one of AOL’s free schools, wants to pay fees for his kids’ education. This self-respect is the pride of India.

A Broad Perspective while Voting

Keep in mind the nation, its progress and who supports its progress when it comes to the General Election. Look at an individual only when it comes to the local elections.

Everyone needs to be responsible for the problems in society. Be passionate and aware at the same time.

Bangalore Ashram

Apr 17, 2024

Rama Navami is being celebrated in a big way at Ram Janmabhoomi after 500 years. People across the country are soaked in devotion. Our PM has made this temple a reality in such a short time. And he has done this with devotion not as a formality.

People coming to public office must be selfless. They must perform their duties with both their head and their heart to serve society. Only then can the country become developed. Lord Rama worked like this for every person in society. There are so many stories about how he was an ideal human being.

To bring these values into our life and progress, we must move ahead with a strong resolve and a positive mindset.

Problems exist. They cannot be ignored or glossed over. For e.g. Bangalore has a water problem today. However, harbouring a negative mindset is not going to solve the water problem. Many lakes were dried up and unplanned real-estate developed on the reclaimed land. So many trees have been cut.

As ambassadors of Vikasit Bharat (a developed India), you need to take responsibility for society. Don’t think that the PM or people sitting in Delhi will take responsibility for the trees and streets in Bangalore. Everyone needs to be responsible for the problems in society. If a fight breaks out, it is our duty to get involved and calm people’s minds down.

For this however, our own minds need to be passionate and aware at the same time. Only passion can also lead to destruction. We worked with passion and awareness during our freedom struggle and need the same approach today. It is the job of spiritual organisations and ashrams to build awareness. When passion and enthusiasm combine with awareness, our nation will progress rapidly. This is already happening. Our PM has set high standards for this to happen.

Be happy and be dynamic in your efforts. Both are essential to bring about a change.

I would ask them to vote with enthusiasm and with a broad vision. Take along anyone who is not voting.

First Time Voters

There are many youngsters who will cast their vote for the first time. I would ask them to go about this with enthusiasm and with a broad vision. Keep in mind the progress the country is making and should make in the coming years.

There is an old proverb – As is the ruler, so are the subjects. As is the vision, so is the world. Do not harbour the everpresent small local issues in your mind. They will take some time to get solved. Have a global perspective when you look at the country. Work for the country.

Be proud that you are part of the elections of the world’s most ancient civilization and the world’s biggest democracy. Remember you are an integral part of this country. Vote happily saying Bharat Mata Ki Jai !

Take along those who are not voting. The train of progress has to continue to move at the same speed – no brakes !

Pillars of Society

The Government, NGO, Judiciary, Media are the 4 pillars of society. There used to be an adversarial relationship between these pillars. There now needs to be a harmonious relationship between these pillars for a country to be deemed developed.

Everyone needs to be respected but one need not be ashamed of one’s own identity.

Pride in One’s Faith

Everyone in the country has faith in religion. Not just in India but in all countries of the world. Even those who call themselves communists have an undying faith in religion. Faith can be suppressed for sometime, but never destroyed. People practise faith but hide it. They visit temples surreptitiously. Now we have a leader who has pride in his faith. The people of this country too have accepted and embraced this. Everyone needs to be respected but one need not be ashamed of one’s own identity. While it is important to treat all faiths equally, one does not have to hide or be ashamed of one’s own faith. We need to come out of the colonial mindset. Most people have already dropped this mindset and even the remaining few will come out of it in the coming few years.

On Entrepreneurship

Today, it’s startling to see the growth of so many start-ups in India. The world is looking up to India with great hope and excitement and applauding its achievements.
Lakhs of entrepreneurs would not have realised their dreams had the government not provided adequate support.

This post is also available in: हिन्दी