Discourse on Peace at United Nations

Peace Initiatives | Published: | 4 min read

Discourse on Peace at United Nations  

On the International Day of Peace, a Discourse on Peace was organized by the Permanent Mission of India at the UN. Chief Guest, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, emphasized the role of peace education and dialogue in resolving conflicts and promoting global harmony, resonating with the remarks of Mr. Miguel Moratinos, High Representative for UNAOC.

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On the International Day of Peace, the United Nations hosted a profound discourse emphasizing the indispensable role of peace education and cross-cultural understanding in ushering global harmony and prosperity. The session, led by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, outlined a holistic approach intertwining peace, security, and sustainable development. Gurudev’s thought-provoking address, echoed by UN representatives, and a tranquil closing guided meditation, highlighted the pathway towards fostering a culture of peace and mutual respect among nations for a prosperous global society.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shared profound insights on peace, security, and sustainable development at the United Nations. The discourse, meticulously organized by the Permanent Mission of India, aimed to foster a deeper understanding of the intrinsic connection between these critical facets for global harmony amid escalating security concerns globally.

Audience at Discourse for Peace with Gurudev at UN Sep 2023

The session commenced with opening remarks by Ambassador Ruchira Kamboj, who highlighted the aim to foster a holistic approach towards global harmony. Following this, Gurudev took the podium to deliver the keynote address, delving into the crux of global security issues, pinpointing the roots of insecurity. He articulated, “It’s the insecure mind which looks for security. So how does the insecurity come? When there is a lack of sense of belongingness, so much is spent on security in the name of defense.” He proposed a compelling solution, urging nations to invest in peace education. “Have we ever opened up the mind? Because wars or insecurity pop up in the minds of people. So have we taught our population how to find peace with oneself and how to manage different complex situations?” he reflected.

Drawing a historical parallel, he highlighted how India, an amalgamation of 500 kingdoms akin to a “mini Europe,” unified under a singular identity, attributing this unity to influential figures like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King. He reiterated, “An inspirational personality can bring people together in a spirit of peace and a broader vision to life.”

Mr. Miguel Moratinos, High Representative for UNAOC, acknowledged the profound wisdom shared by Gurudev. He remarked, “Thank you, my dear friend Ravi Shankar, for coming to this event. I’m not surprised by what you told me about security.” He agreed with Gurudev on the essence of fostering peace and security through a holistic approach.

Emphasizing the significant impact peace education could have, especially on young individuals and budding politicians, Gurudev advocated for a shift in global expenditure towards fostering peace, communication skills, and a sense of belongingness among communities. He stated, “Even if we spend a fraction of the amount we spend in defense on peace education and communication skills… the world would be in a much better place.”

This poignant discourse by Gurudev at the United Nations illuminated the pivotal role of peace education in not only alleviating the insecurities that nations grapple with but also in promoting a holistic approach towards global harmony. His visionary insights beckon the world to transcend beyond the superficialities that divide and to unite in a collective endeavor for peace and sustainable development, a message that resonates strongly amidst the ongoing security concerns in Ukraine and other regions.

The event culminated with a serene guided meditation led by Gurudev, leaving the delegates and attendees with a renewed sense of tranquility and a deeper understanding of the pathway towards global peace and harmony.

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