Meditation - a tool for inner peace and strength

Spirituality & Human Values | Published: | 3 min read

Meditation - a tool for inner peace and strength  

Excerpts from the Europe Meditates event. "Meditation is the answer to find inner strength and help others to anchor in theirs."

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Meditation is the answer to find inner strength and help others to anchor in theirs.

Bengaluru, India
June 13, 2021

The pandemic has proved to be an opportunity to go within, explore the avenue that we carry with us and find inner strength.

There is anxiety, stress, distress, sadness of losing dear ones and being confined within the four walls of your home.

The most intelligent thing is to take care of your body, mind, and the well-being of your emotions. Meditation is the answer to find inner strength and help others to anchor in theirs.

On one hand, it helps to overcome depression. On the other hand, it checks aggressive behavior. There are so many benefits, including:

  1. Physical well-being: Rest heals the body. Meditation brings the deepest of rest in the shortest time. In 20 to 30 minutes, our mind and body get such deep rest. If you give someone medication and don’t let them rest, the medicine doesn’t work.
    Meditation boosts our energy and immune system.
  2. Mental well-being: The biggest challenge the world faces today and will face in the future is mental health and illness. It can trap the mind in anxiety, stress, and depression. This is commonly seen today. Meditation helps one to overcome these issues of the mind.
  3. Sharpness of mind: Meditation can help to sharpen the mind and make it alert.
  4. Peaceful mind: Meditation is a great way to have a calm and happy mind. That impacts one’s behavior and vibration in life.

Group meditation also has its benefits. If all of us calm our minds and go within, it creates a field around us. It creates positive vibes and positive energy which is so much needed in the world today.

Making it a routine

If someone says, “I don’t like meditation. I don’t want to meditate,” they have not truly understood what meditation is or its benefits. We must see that we fit meditation into our daily routine and continue practicing. Every day, we brush our teeth to maintain dental hygiene. Like that, meditation is mental hygiene. Each one of us impacts people – meditation will benefit everyone.

We have only one earth, one world. We all have to come together as a family. The world is one family. It is possible when we are free from stress and conflicts. Meditation will help you to resolve many conflicts and find much-needed peace.

A violence-free society, disease-free body, confusion-free mind, inhibition-free intellect, trauma-free memory, and sorrow-free soul is the birthright of every individual. Meditation is a great tool to achieve these human goals that we all have.

Excerpts from the address that Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar gave at the Europe Meditates event on June 13, 2021.

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